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Covid-19- A message from a midwife


Check out my post on Instagram @hertshypnobirthing about Covid-19. I share WHO advice for pregnant women and highlight the importance or getting your information from reliable sources, such as The Royal College of Obstretricians and Gynaecologists ( to avoid scaremongering and information overload.

It's a strange time to be pregnant, and a strange time to be a midwife. We rely on touch. We rely on facial expressions. Now we are wearing gloves to touch you and masks over our mouths. We do this to protect you AND us. Because we want you and your families healthy and happy. And we want so desperately to be healthy and at work helping you. Look into our eyes- you will see our smile there, the windows to our soul!

We're still here for you. PLEASE call us, please share your concerns, please come and see us if you are worried or something doesn't feel right.

You CAN still have your birth partner with you during labour, as long as they are well. We fully support this as we know how vital having your birth partner is to a positive outcome and experience for you. Make sure your birth partner is by your side, on your side and fully informed!

Yes, postnatal wards have stopped visiting. We know this is scary for you and that's totally understandable. But the overwhelming message I'm hearing from women and from my colleagues on the ward is that the community spirit on the ward is better than ever! The curtains are open, women are supporting each other, chatting, sharing advise and stories. And it's actually quite wonderful. Silver lining!

You've got this, you are way stronger than you know!

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